Youth in Mandirs – Conference Proceedings

The Hindu Mandir Network’s Youth in Mandirs conference proceedings are available to download   from this site.

The Youth in Mandirs conference took place online on 25th April 2021.

It was felt that well organised youth activities at Mandirs for the different ages can be self-perpetuating as younger children come in and follow through the different ages constantly being involved with the Mandirs over the changing generations. The workshops were organised to target activities for 3 separate age ranges

A         5-10 years

B        11-18 years

C        18-25 years

Each workshop had several case studies examples from successful Mandirs

Youth Leaders who organise activities or are responsible for youth activities in Mandirs were invited together with the Executive committee members. For those Mandirs wishing to start youth activities at their Mandirs the invitation was opened to potential youth leaders as well.

We were pleasantly surprised at the demand as over 120 delegates registered to attend the 2 hour online conference with 85 attending on the actual day.

We hope you find this booklet as a useful reminder if you attended and inspirational if you missed the conference. We also hope that it may guide and inspire Hindu Mandirs executives to attend such events in the future.

Click to download the conference proceedings.

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