

Friday, 06 July 2007

Lectures Offered by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (UK)

1. Facing Tomorrow’s World

What are the moral and ethical issues we will face in future? What is the Hindu point of view? Is it fashionable to be religious? The concept of Sanatana Dharma based on eternal natural laws gives guidance on coping with advancing science and technology.

2. Hindu Calendar

Discover the wonders of Hindu astronomy. How they predicted eclipses with accuracy? Is the Greek zodiac based on the Hindu zodiac? Where have the names of the week days and months come from?

3. What is in the name?

Naming ceremony is an important Hindu sacrament. What do Hindu scriptures say about selection of names? How to select names for boys and girls? Find out the meaning of Hindu names. Do you know what your own name means?

4. Your Questions Our Answers

Why do Hindus worship so many Gods? Why do they worship stones and animals? Can human beings be reborn as animals? Are we punished for wrong actions? Is there heaven and hell? How shall we treat Mother Nature? What is Ayurvedic medicine? Should we follow any religion at all? Aren’t all religions the same? And many more questions?

Hindu scriptures give clear answers, but do you know them?

5. Knowledge and Education

Gaining education from schools and universities is essential but does it prepare you to face trials and tribulations of life? How is that higher knowledge gained which helps one to fulfill the objectives of life? Come and learn about what the ancient Hindu wisdom says about ‘knowledge’ and ‘education’.

6. Vedic Mathematics

It is now well known that Hindu mathematicians were the first to discover zero and decimal, but this is not all. In the ancient Vedic texts there are one line formulae (Sukta) which can be used to perform complex mathematical operations. Such texts are being studied today and are being taught in British schools. Come to this talk to learn some tricks which will improve your mental arithmetic ability.

7. Symbols and Rituals in Temples:

Hinduism is full of fascinating symbols and ancient rituals. But do you know what they mean? This talk is aimed at providing explanation and understanding of symbols and rituals in Hindu temples. You will discover the deep philosophical and scientific significance of symbols and rituals.

8. Sciences in Hindu Scriptures

In Hinduism, there is no conflict between science and religion. In layman’s language it is shown that the basic concepts of major scientific theories of this century already existed in the Vedic literature. No scientific discovery has managed to contradict the teachings of the Vedas and the Upanishads.

9. Five Great Duties

The five great duties (Panch Maha Yajna) towards the God, ancestors, nation, animal kingdom and society are explained and related to every day life. The scientific significance of Havan yajna is desribed. Why do we do Achman (sipping of water) three times? What do we recite when we light the sacred fire? What do these ahutis (offerings) actually mean?

The talk explains that there is a well planned training process which enables one to perform one’s duties.

10. Journey of Life

Hindu sages devised a plan for life. And that plan is still followed knowingly or unknowingly by almost every human being. This plan presented as a journey of life is explained through the Hindu system of four stages (ashramas) and the four objectives (purusharthas) of life. And to help you along the journey, the direction signs are given in form of the  sixteen Sanskaras (sacraments).

11. Meri Marzee- Can I do what I want to do?

Often parents have to cope with a statement- “This is my life I can do what I want to” from youngsters. As a Hindu, how should one tackle situation? Why do we have certain code of conduct? Through an interesting and entertaining presentation, a comparison is made between the western and the Hindu points of view about human mind and coping with desires. The Vedic concept of mind and its development process is explained in simple language.

12. Welcome to 330 Million Gods

The fact is that Hindus believe in one and only one God, then why do the Hindu scriptures talk about so many gods? The talk presents the real concept of God as explained in Hindu scriptures. It explains that the idea of 330 million gods originated from the misinterpretation of the Vedic texts which talk about the 33 ‘koti devatas’. The 33 divine qualities are named and described.

13. Aarti

Aarti is recited regularly in Hindu homes and temples. What does it mean and why do Hindus perform Aarti? Why is a lamp lit and moved around in circular motion? What do the words mean? The significance of this important aspect of Hindu prayers is explained.

14. How is Human Brain Built? Modern Science vs the Hindu View

Human brain is a very complex organ. Fantastic new discoveries have been made to explain how it is made and how it works. These marvellous discoveries confirm what Hindu scriptures say about the development of human brain. You will discover the scientific significance of Hindu traditions and sacraments followed before and after birth of a child.

15. Creation: How Did it All Start?tc “15. Creation\: How Did it All Start?”

Scientists have smashed atoms to bits in an attempt to understand what this world is made from. They have sent powerful telescopes in outer space to see far beyond our world to find out more about the universe. What have they found? When and how did the creation begin? What was the first thing to happen? Come to this talk to find the answers and you will be amazed to see the similarity between the modern science and the ancient Hindu scriptures.

16. Significance of Deities in Hindu Dharma

All Hindus believe in one and only one God, then why do Hindu temples have so many different deities? What is the significance of different idols and icons? Why are some  deities portrayed in wrathful form and some in blissful form? Do Hindus worship images or do they worship the indescribable God through these images? This talk gives an insight into the real significance of Hindu way of worship.

17. Founders of Science in Ancient India

According to the Hindu calendar, we have entered into the 52nd century (yes 52nd). It is about time that we make ourselves aware of the work of the great Hindu sages who laid the foundation of sciences in ancient India. Come to the talk to learn about Atharvan, the first discoverer of fire; Dirghatama, the first astronomer; Susruta, the father of surgery;

Kanada, the expounder of atomic theory and Bodhyana who knew the Pythagorus theorem hundreds of years before Pythagorus!

18. Sanskrit : The Mother of All languages

It is now known that writing was invented in India. Pottery fragments dug up from ancient site at Harappa show evidence of writings as old as 5500 years. The main language which developed in ancient India is now known as Sanskrit. Most of the Indo-European languages are derived from it. Sanskrit became the sacred language of Hindus. All their main religious scriptures and prayers are in Sanskrit. In this talk one will discover the power of Sanskrit language which the computer scientists believe is the most logical. You will be surprised to know the many words used in English in our daily conversation are derived from Sanskrit.

19. Secret of Life and Death

As we stand at the dawn of the 21st century, the scientists are claiming to get nearer and nearer to finding the secret of  life and death. Nearly all of the human genes have been identified, and there is a talk of creating artificial life in a laboratory. Will man ever discover the real secret of life and death? What do our Hindu scriptures have to say on this subject? These scriptures contain summary of thousands of years of relentless search done by the great thinkers of India. The latest scientific view and the Hindu view on this most perplexing question is presented in this talk.

20. Searching for the Truth: A brief Introduction to Hindu Darshan Shastras Lawyers, scientists, mathematicians and philosophers, they all have to prove what they say. One way or the other, a proof has to be given to establish the truth. How would you recognise the truth? What enquiries you have to make? How should your enquiry proceed? What can help you in your search? All these issues have been thoroughly discussed in ancient Hindu scriptures known as the Darshan Shastras. There are six of these valuable scriptures. This talk brings to you the invaluable ideas presented in the Darshan Shastras.

21. Discovering The Spiritual Heritage of India

India attracts thousands and thousands of tourists every year. India is vast and ancient. Its sights and sounds have dazzled many. The diversity and variety of life has amazed many. Numerous travellers who had gone to discover India ended up discovering themselves. The age old architecture, the sublime art and the legendary powers of the yogis have touched the hearts and minds of millions of visitors. As a result, the spiritual heritage of India has become an essential part of Western thinking. Yet most of the Hindus visit India only for social or family reasons. Very few venture out and attempt to discover the real spiritual heritage of India. Come to this talk to discover the real ‘magic’ of India.


Dr Raman Gokal, Dr Nawal K Prinja

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